Bishop P.F. Reding catholic School

Bishop P.F. Reding Catholic Secondary School  is located at 1120 Main St E, Milton, ON L9T 6H7 and teaches approximately 2,000 students through grades 9-12. The Bishop Reding Catholic Secondary School community recognizes the inherent dignity of all people as God’s children. Encourage the development of the whole person, including the mind, body, and spirit. Instil the sense of accomplishment that comes from hard work and genuine achievement of academic and personal goals. Encourage an understanding of Gospel values. Live your faith both inside and outside of the community. Believe in every student’s ability to graduate as a thoughtful, discerning, and contributing member of society. Consider diversity to be an enriching aspect of your community, and Encourage collaboration with family, church, and community to achieve these objectives.

This school has an Advanced Placement (AP) programme, which allows students to learn more than just facts and figures. The rich course material, classroom discussion, and challenging assignments typical of AP courses will assist your child in developing the knowledge, learning skills, and critical thinking skills expected of all university bound students in courses such as;

  • Art and Design
  • Geography
  • History
  • Math
  • Science (Chemistry, Physics, Biology)
  • English
  • Computer Science
  • French Language

Every student is free to choose which subjects they want to undertake, though many students successfully pursue all of the options available in the Advanced Placement pathway. Overall, this school is one of the best Catholic high schools in Milton, and your children would love to be enrolled here.

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