Guardian angels catholic school

Guardian Angels Catholic Elementary School is located at 650 Bennett Boulevard, Milton, ON L9T 6B1 and teaches over 1500 students every year from kindergarten to grade 8.


Guardian Angels Catholic School begins each day with the national anthem, followed by the Board Focus on Faith prayer, followed by other seasonal morning prayers, and announcements. Each morning, the students lead prayer over the announcements and compose original prayers/reflections based on the liturgical seasons (Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter). Almost every child at this school enjoys the environment and is all treated with care and respect. The school motto is “Treat everyone with kindness, dignity, equity and respect throughout actions and words”. Guardian Angels Catholic Elementary School is a great school to enroll your children in.

This school teaches subjects such as;


The Arts

French as a Second Language.

Health and Physical Education.

The Kindergarten Program.



Native Languages.

Science and Technology



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